Jul 15, 2010

FreedomFest Tea Party Rally At Frankfort, Ky.

Frankfort, Kentucky’s State Capitol was the sight of several hundred Tea Partiers who gathered to celebrate their liberties and to protest the increasing size of government.  On July 10th, people were bused in from other communities and attendees came from Ohio and Indiana.  Participants included several speakers including Leland Conway with Lexington’s AM 630 WLAP station, Attorney Kent Brown, Dan Blanchard, Pres. Louisville Tea Party, Dr. Rand Paul, Andy Barr, and Todd Lally, all conservative candidates. Rand Paul instructed the crowd about the opposition, including aspects of the media:  "We must not let them describe who we are, WE must describe who we are. We cannot let them characterize us. There has been a concerted effort since the Tea Party began to rise ... to paint us as something we are not."  Kevin Jackson of The Blacksphere and the author of The Big Black Lie provided a tongue in cheek speech that could make you both laugh and cry. Yours truly led the pledge. More photos