Apr 18, 2010

Dayton, Ohio Throws Whopper Tea Party

Filling nearly half of the arena at Wright State University, 8,000 tea partiers provided a forum for speakers, entertainment and prospective brown-nosing from candidates chasing the Tea Party vote.  Alan Keyes was the vivacious keynote speaker as a crowd favorite.  There was no small contingent of security including a lockdown where everyone was ‘wanded’ after a lengthy waiting line.  If you wanted free general admission to a family patriotic event, this was the place to be on a Tuesday evening hosted by the Dayton Tea Party partnered with Homemakers for America.  There was a kiddies area for learning ‘colonial’ games, toys, and face painting.  To further networking among the various local liberty groups, there was an announced effort to bond with businesses that are either involved or are pro-tea party with reciprocal, adding a new dimension to the party’s growing influence.   Article