Apr 22, 2010

Cincinnati Tea Party Draws 7,000 on a Weeknight.

Several thousand tea partiers attended the annual Tax Day Tea Party held April 15th at the University of Cincinnati Fifth Third Arena.  Several speakers, including Joe ‘the plumber’ spoke of accountability to about 7,000 fired up taxpayers, according to channel 19. Full Story
One no-show was Sean Hannity of Fox news who was to tape his nightly program there but was called to NY on ‘personal’ and later revised ‘technical’ reasons based on perceived conflicts of interests.  As usual the media seized upon this by asking if I was disappointed, and I said not especially because it’s the people; not a personality,  which celebrate our liberty.  
WCPO channel 9 carried the quote: "I think it's a great time to get together with like-minded people to rediscover our founding principles that made this country strong.  We've gotten far too away from that and it's time to get back," said Paul Wheeler from Indianapolis.
"I can tell you one thing, we are going to continue to have these tea parties until the last snake legislator has to slither over our hot smoldering bodies.  And that's about all I have to say right now," Wheeler said.’  Link

Apr 18, 2010

Dayton, Ohio Throws Whopper Tea Party

Filling nearly half of the arena at Wright State University, 8,000 tea partiers provided a forum for speakers, entertainment and prospective brown-nosing from candidates chasing the Tea Party vote.  Alan Keyes was the vivacious keynote speaker as a crowd favorite.  There was no small contingent of security including a lockdown where everyone was ‘wanded’ after a lengthy waiting line.  If you wanted free general admission to a family patriotic event, this was the place to be on a Tuesday evening hosted by the Dayton Tea Party partnered with Homemakers for America.  There was a kiddies area for learning ‘colonial’ games, toys, and face painting.  To further networking among the various local liberty groups, there was an announced effort to bond with businesses that are either involved or are pro-tea party with reciprocal, adding a new dimension to the party’s growing influence.   Article

Apr 13, 2010

Jon Voight wants people to join Tea Party to defeat Obama’s “Greatest Lie”

“In one year, the American people are witnessing the greatest lie that is cleverly orchestrated by President Obama and his whole administration.
The lie is a potent aggression that feeds the needs of people who either have not educated themselves enough to understand the assault upon us all or the very poor and needy who live to be taken care of.
President Obama feeds these people poison, giving them the idea that they are entitled to take from the wealthier who have lived and worked in a democracy that understands that capitalism is the only truth that keeps a nation healthy and fed.
Now the lie goes very deep and President Obama has been cleverly trained in the Alinsky method and it would be very important that every American knows what that method is. It is a socialistic, Marxist teaching and with it, little by little, he rapes this nation, taking down our defenses, making new language for the Islamic extremists. The world looked up to us as a symbol of hope and prosperity now wonders what will become of the entire world if America is losing its power.
The American people who understand exactly what is taking place have come together in the thousands, vowing to try to stay together as a unit of love and freedom for all men and women, from all walks of life, shivering to think that this once great nation will be a third world country.
This will be the first president to ever weaken the United States of America. President Obama uses his aggression and arrogance for his own agenda, against the will of the American people when he should be using his will and aggression against our enemies.
Every loving American for peace and truth and the security of our nation must come out and join the Tea Parties in their states. The opposition will continue their tactics; they will lie and plant their own bullies amongst us. Everyone must pay close attention to who stands next to them. We can weed out the liars and agitators. Let us all stay in Gods light. Let no man put asunder. We can and we will prevail. God bless us all!” – Jon Voight

North Vernon, Indiana Throws Tea Party, Candidate Forum

The North Vernon, Indiana City Park was the site of a Saturday Tea Party and candidate forum called ‘This is Our Congressional District’, hosted by the North Vernon Tea Party patriots.  Scheduled speakers included Tea Party speaker favorite Richard Mourdock, Indiana State Treasurer, U.S. Senate Candidate Don Bates Jr., U.S. States Senate Candidate Richard Behney, U.S. Senate Candidate John Hostettler, Mike Sodrel - 9th District Congressional Candidate, Todd Young - 9th District Congressional Candidate, Travis Hankins - 9th District Congressional Candidate, Rick Warren-9th District Congressional Candidate, Tonye Rutherford - New Albany Indiana Resident, Steve Bertram - North Vernon Indiana Resident. 

Apr 8, 2010

Tea Party Express Hears Indiana Candidates

About 9:00 am. Monday, roughly 2,000 Evansville area citizens greeted three Tea Party Express III tour buses that set up a makeshift stage for speakers, singers, and speech making including area candidates.  Founding principles and an anti-incumbent theme drove the crowd.  “Six Republican candidates for Indiana's 8th District congressional seat, as well as John Hostettler, the former 8th District representative now seeking the GOP nomination for U.S. Senate, spoke at the event” and yours truly led the Pledge, according the Courier Press. article

Evansville Tea Party Can’t Find Ellsworth

Many more filtered throughout the crowd handing out their biz cards, fliers, or soliciting potential voters.  One could not help but notice the conspicuous absence of 8th district Congressman Brad Ellsworth; certainly the most unpopular man of the day for his Obamacare vote and Stupak-like convenient prolife reversal some saw as a betrayal of campaign values considering his vote. This crowd would not believe him even if his website’s U.S. debt clock ran backwards. Despite having an office there, the only Ellsworth sighting was a mug shot on the side of a large milk carton with ‘Have You Seen Me?’

Tristate homepage carries the video

Apr 5, 2010

Tea Party Gains Strength Despite Attacks

Those of us in the ground swell of the Tea Party movement know that it virtually is impossible to have a growing group of rallying citizens without some sort of discrediting  issue.   Whether individual(s) or the movement, it is striking the lack of any self-inflicted wound in excess of its one year existence would be so clear of any proof that malcontents usually associated with any large movement  would sabotage it or fall under its own weight.  Given a defeat of a core issue of Obamacare preceded by Stimulus packages and the heightened government regulations of the auto industries,  one would think dejected Tea Partiers would head to the hills instead of Capitol Hill;  that the bitterness from watching our unfolding nightmare would have us reach for the Tylenol Extra strength as we return home to deposit protest signs in the dumpster for trash pickup; that we would return to the couch position and find therapy in an “I Love Lucy” sitcom, or embrace anything that would distract us from our recently deflated passion of calling for less government, less spending, and less taxation.   After all, look at the names we’ve been called by our representatives and media:  astroturf, gun toting citizens, religious zealots, the fringe, racists, homophobes, wing-nuts, rightwing extremists and the angry mob.  What must our neighbors, our co-workers, our church think of such a bunch of troublemakers who purportedly used spit, the ‘n’ word, troubling posters, objectionable town hall outbursts by a disrespectful fringe, clinging to its guns?   Not since the slings and arrows against Ross Perot’s independent political party have such publically venomous attacks been waged warrantlessly against a large proportion of unorganized and leaderless U.S. citizens.

Yet, the once obscure Tea Party, largely media and politically ignored in early 2009, is blossoming a year later onto the political scene with enthusiastic sentiments of conservative populism that the two major dysfunctional parties could only wish for.   But the Tea Party is not a political party nor cultists nor inconsequential.  Few disagree today that it is grassroots, everyday housewives, men with conviction, and many elderly who have seen much since WWII, all of whom, as the ‘greatest generation’, underscore the need to stop the erosion and  return to foundational principles of less government and more free enterprise.  Constitutional verbiage is coming from the bottom up; a strange sight to see given our representatives were the ones sworn to uphold it.  Even town hall attendees had more in-depth knowledge than our paid non-representing representatives.  Once considered the ‘silent majority’ of the right of center, there is no soft underbelly of a weary consensus of ‘go along to get along’  inbred with a perverted political correctness.  What we have is a reformation movement with a solution.  Follow our founding documents.

It’s strength seems to be resilient for each time a dart is thrown, it becomes stronger.  One protester had his finger cut off; others suffered unsupported racist attacks but were vindicated by dozens of cameras and audios as nonexistent, despite a $100,000.00 reward for such evidence.  But Union members physically attacked a seller of political buttons and a recent Tea Party Express bus was pelted by eggs from supporters of the Union as video shows.  Each time the Tea Party is baited with name calling, your average mom and pop neighbor gets more passionate and vindicated for their Ghandized nonviolent stance.  Their signs were not put into the trash but were stuffed in their garage, or in their trunk, or under a bed; ready to be used to fight again another day.  The current leadership of both houses and the presidency, have exacerbated wrongheaded DC. bubble solutions with both sides of the aisle entrenched with statism that leaves the only real ‘public option’;  the ballot box.  If the Tea Party can keep itself Teflon clean on the major issues and refuses to succumb to race baiters and corruptible compromises,  perhaps we’ll see principle above party win the day.                  

Apr 3, 2010