Mar 27, 2010

Behney Energizes Lafayette Base

Republican Richard Behney visited Lafayette, Indiana on Saturday as part of his whirlwind state appearances with a question/answer session.  At Purdue University’s Beering Hall of Liberal Arts & Education, he spoke of his background and emphasized that America is a nation of laws which need to be followed with respect to immigration.  He received applause when mentioning the need to “reclaim our sovereignty, states’ rights, and our liberties.”  He lamented the Health Care bill first with mourning, then with anger.  “Are you a freeman or are you a slave?  Someone else will determine when you live or die.”  He asked the crowd that on the May 4th primary, people should ask themselves “is it the people or the party”.  Behney said he was pleased to receive the nationally known ‘I caucus’ endorsement among the Indiana candidates running for U.S. Senate, receiving ‘over 75% of the group’s vote as best fundamentally qualified’ in alliance with our founding documents.  His name is listed on I caucus as follows:
We are pleased to announce the endorsement of 3 outstanding candidates:
US Senate Candidate: Richard Behney - receiving over 75% of the membership vote

Two Opposite Rallies Carry Temper

Mar 24, 2010

Kill the Bill Rally- Indianapolis, In.

A "Kill the Bill" Rally in Indianapolis began at 4:30 p.m. Monday 15th on the south steps of the Statehouse with hundreds listening to various speakers including keynote speaker, U.S. Rep. Mike Pence.   "We don't like health care reform that forces every American to buy health insurance whether they want it or need it or not."  
Diane Hubbard of Mooresville was credited publically for helping to coordinate the Tea Party which she said donations would be helpful to defray the $4,000.00 event expense.
The Indianapolis Star carries the story. Full Story

Mar 22, 2010


Several Tea Party groups arrived in DC. for a Rally on the 16th to resist the current Obamacare Health plan under consideration by Congress.  Occurring on a Tuesday, it was nowhere near the tens of thousands during previous highly advertised events, with some pro-Obama adherents mocking the low turnout.  Freedom Works, Tea Party Express, Tea Party Patriots, Nationwide Tea Party Coalition,  and a myriad of other conservative groups denounced the latest Congressional tactics of  forced reconciliation and passing a rule ‘deeming’ the bill passed without actually voting per se for it.  The week’s events were labeled “Code Red” or “Take the Town Halls to Washington.”
Most Tea Party constituents hold both major parties as culprits of big government spending and control freaks contributing to dysfunctional governance and are skeptical of usurpers claiming credit or hijacking the grass roots conservative insurgency.  It is with annoyance and a distraction that the RNC paid for buttons and signs distributed for the event, but later covered up that fact by placing black tape over the claim at the bottom of signs.  Take a side by side look at the same sign. The GOP will no more buy off protesters with paid signs anymore than other tricks in the political grab bag.  While the sign issue is minor, the principle is major, especially  when compared to the prime reason for the protest as Tea Party adherents know that their most effective means for changing how Washington works is not who paid for a sign but how their vote is cast in November.

Mar 15, 2010

Kill The Bill Rally- Minneapolis-St. Paul, Mn.

Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann“We have a duty to resist tyranny. This isn’t a joke.  And these men had guts our founders, these were no pantywaist wusses, and neither are we by the way!”
Michelle Bachmann was the keynote speaker during the Saturday 13th Rally in the Minneapolis-St. Paul Capital.  Several political, medical, and radio personalities were present including:
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann
Congressman John Kline
Twila Brase, CCHC
Ed Morrissey, Hot Air Blog
Dr. Lee Kurisko, M.D.
Rep. Mark Buesgens
Barb Davis-White
Emceed by Sue Jeffers, KTLK Radio
Leading the Pledge of Allegiance to open the rally was Paul Wheeler, an Indiana Tea Party activist flown in from his home in Indianapolis and outfitted in a Revolutionary War costume.
"I just want to remind people to rethink the basic principles and values of the Founding Fathers," he said. "I think this bill would make them turn over in their graves."
Leading the pledge, he welcomed "the mob, the fringe, the gun-toting nuts and fellow right-wing extremists." He paused before the clause that includes "under God" and bellowed "under who?"
"God!" came the reply, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports. Full Article
Text of my remarks:
Greetings to all Tea Party Patriots of the Twin Cities and meet-up groups, Minnesota Majority, the Citizens Council of Health Care, 912 project members, fellow members of the mob, gun toting citizens, and fellow right wing extremists. 
This week a lawsuit was brought into Federal Court claiming One Nation ‘under God’ in the Pledge of Allegiance was unconstitutional and violated one’s religion.  A second part of the suit says the same thing about the ‘In God We Trust’ motto on our currency.
But on Thursday, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals panel ruled in favor of the people of the United States of America that the Pledge ‘Under God’ IS Constitutional and does not infringe on religious beliefs.  One of the judges wrote: “The Pledge of Allegiance serves to unite our vast nation through the proud recitation of some of the ideals upon which our Republic was founded.”
Join with me as we give our respects to the Republic as One Nation Under God.”
Various news sources have attendance from 1,000 to 4,000.  There was an enthusiastic crowd despite the bitter wind, and yes, there were real pitchforks present and a real pig representing the pork in Congressional bills.  Click here for more pictures and rally article.
Related Articles:
l Articles:

Mar 7, 2010

Sarah Palin Wows Right To Life Rally

Sarah Palin lived up to her billing as a national spokeswoman for the Right to Life.  Already a pro-lifer, coupled with supporting her decision to not abort her Down syndrome child, she told her story to 3,000 to 4,000 enthusiastic admirers on Friday in Columbus, Ohio at the packed capacity Aladdin Shrine facility.  They came by the bus load and shuttles; the elderly, the church groups, young people, all waiting to hear her story and listening as if entranced to each carefully chosen word.  By those in attendance, she did a great job and hit a lot of bases, even citing a Biblical proof text, Isaiah 49:16  to respond to those who criticized her palm notes:  "See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me." Who else can mix hilarity, God, the Bible, and palm notes at a Right to Life Rally.  Clip here: Video
"If what was good enough for God, scribbling on the palm of his hand, it's good enough for me, for us," Palin said. "In that passage he says, I wrote your name on the palm of my hand to remember you. And I'm like okay, I'm in good company."
The Rally opened with the Worthington Christian High School Choir singing the National Anthem. Video
Her introduction was by football star Chris Spielman.  Video
Sarah Palin did not disappoint fans as they thronged to the front stage for autographs. The event may not have persuaded her detractors, but it gave enthusiasm to prolife supporters.

Mar 4, 2010

Commander-In-Chief Quid Pro Quo

Anyone reviewing our national politics realizes that most things are rarely free, especially in D.C.  We have seen favors and legislation bought in front of our eyes and paraded on national TV.  Citizens are fuming at what Obama campaigned he would stop: entrenched business as usual and rigid partisanship.    The modern day “Louisiana Purchase” and “Cornhusker Kickback” the “Union Loophole” in exchange for healthcare votes are glaring, not to mention the $459,000.00 check the DNC wrote Ben Nelson shortly afterwards on the pretence that Nelson might need it to defend himself, according to ABC.
If you believe in political coincidences, it won’t do much good to convince you that there is only a Santa Claus in Washington DC. if he is paid for.  Call it a bribe, a tit for tat, or one hand greases the other,  is there a price for votes?  You may see it in future legislation when no one is looking, or maybe in a spirit of corrupt desperation, it’s plainly evident.   And sometimes in veiled threats that gives new meaning to ‘implied consent’.   
Another healthcare ‘coincidence’ erupted this week with House Democrat Jim Matheson of Utah being invited as one of ten (Altmire, Boyd, L Davis, Herseth-Sandlin, Kratovil, Markey, Matheson, Murphy, Shuler and Tanner)  to the White House for some arm twisting to change their ‘no vote’ for a future ‘yes’ vote.  When what to our wondering eyes appear,  a White House press release prior to the meeting indicating Matheson’s brother is selected as nominee for a Judgeship.  Another fine time for a coincidence?    The Weekly Standard writes “     The timing of this nomination looks suspicious, especially in light of Democratic Congressman Joe Sestak's claim that he was offered a federal job not to run against Arlen Specter in the Pennsylvania primary. Many speculated that Sestak, a former admiral, was offered the Secretary of the Navy job,”  in the WS article titled ‘Obama Now Selling Judgeships for Health Care Votes? Obama names brother of undecided House Dem to Appeals Court.” Article
Even last July, the Dems wanted their blue dog Jim Matheson to hop on board the healthcare wagon. “ President Barack Obama's campaign group is turning up the heat on conservative House Democrats -- like Utah's Jim Matheson -- who have balked at the health care reform package moving through Congress”, according to the Salt Lake Tribune. Article
The White House press secretary responded by calling any connection as a ‘silly argument’.  But here’s another coincidence:   On the Morning Joe show,  Tim Kaine, the DNC Chairman, responded to the interviewer’s question:  MIKA BRZEZINSKI: “Are you saying there is no other reason but qualification for this?”  TIM KAINE: “Qualification is the most important and I'm sure there are other factors. Life is life, right?”

Press Release: Article

Mar 1, 2010

Schwarzenegger Attacks The Tea Party & GOP; Pouts, Touts, Spouts

"Arnold, you are no Ronald Reagan."   Yes, Reagan’s son, Mike, said this about a year ago at a Tea Party Tax Day Rally, one of many held across the nation. :  “Michael Reagan, the talk show host and son of the former president, drew one of the loudest roars of the day when he ripped Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger at the Sacramento event by saying, "Arnold, you are no Ronald Reagan." Article   Once touted as a Conservative and fiscally responsible, Schwarzenegger’s California public approval rating is in the tank.  He pouts about his state’s deficit, puts the blame on immigrants, and spouts against the GOP and the Tea Party in recent interviews.  After all, he’s in his last term, and his pouting and spouting over circumstances now out of control would make the ‘Predator’ of the evil deficit and corresponding poll numbers carry the day.  
“Conservatives, once the bulwark of his support, disapprove of Schwarzenegger's job performance now by nearly 2 to 1, according to the poll by the nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California.  Overall, just 33% of California adults give Schwarzenegger a positive job rating, barely above the record low of 32% that he hit in 2005 after pushing a package of failed ballot measures in a special election”, according to the LA Times.   Article 
ABC carries his words regarding the GOP and Tea Party:  SCHWARZENEGGER: “ They're the party of no, and at the same time, I think that there are a lot of people that are disenchanted and dissatisfied and they're angry and this is why you have the Tea Party and all of those things.  The Tea Party is not going to go anywhere.   I think the Tea Party is all about just an expression of anger and dissatisfaction and I see it in California when people come up to me and says, you know I'm angry that you guys don't get along in Sacramento.  I'm angry that they're not getting along in Washington.  I'm angry that nothing gets done.  I'm angry that I'm unemployed.  I'm angry that people are losing homes. I'm angry that businesses are losing their businesses and all of those kind of things.  And the economy is down. Video
As a beggar in the streets, he takes his tin cup to the White House for a bailout while writing IOUs within California.  The Tea Party will long outlast the Governator’s term and is now more popular than both political parties.  He can play the blame game, call people hypocrites, and the only thing he has left is a possible movie gig; perhaps ‘Terminator vs. the Tea Party’. 
Sorry Gov., but this time the Tea Party’s spout is looking at you.