Feb 20, 2010


Former Libertarian presidential candidate, Bob Barr, has startled both his adversaries and adherents by his blog commentary carried in the Atlanta Journal Constitution.  I have to wonder if the conservative turned libertarian who carried the Libertarian Party banner in the 2008 election has slumped into a backslidden condition of intolerance.  It will fuel the justification of those who bolted during his election process and should give rise to second thoughts for those who touted his previous conversion. 
I am not a libertarian, though I voted for Mr. Barr because despite his impossibility of becoming President, it was principle above party that my conscience said was more aligned with our founding values.  But the thought of not following a qualified battlefield leader who may adhere to nature, false gods, agnostic or atheist ideas,  when his leadership is otherwise not in question,  seems misplaced if not worse.  If your commander leads you into a raid with bombs falling and dodging bullets, you trust in his ability; not his personal religion if any.  Mr. Barr is both personable and articulate, but issuing this stink bomb remark doesn’t sound either libertarian tolerant or practical.  Here is the AJC article